Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today it was pouring outside. I realized the cat had moved her kitten outside and that they where probably soaking. When I went to check on them I come to find 3 cats under the piles of ladders and wood. There was Fluffy (kitten) , Moe (cat from 1st litter) , and Kitty (the mother of them all) . I thought it was so cute because they were all snuggled in there together. I had to get them out of there though so I took Fluffy away and of course Kitty followed me! I put them in the shed and ran back out to get the cushion. I just yanked it out from under Moe because he honestly doesn't care! When I came late to check on them Fluffy was missing. The bucket I had put him in was tipped over and he was MISSING! Then I saw Moe at the top of all the cushions way up high (6 inches shorter than the ceiling). I thought maybe just maybe Fluffy was up there because lately Moe has been trying to be the mother. I climbed up there and sure enough Fluffy was fast asleep next to Moe. I took Fluffy back down thinking Moe moved him up there. Then when I came back again Moe was gone and Fluffy was back up there because Kitty had moved him back up there so I just left him up there and said,"Fluffy oh Fluffy!", Fluffy looked down at me and turned his head back and forth. I thought it was adorable!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

haha, such cute little kittens! i love there fun personalities :)