Saturday, January 16, 2010

My news!

Anyway,I have turned ten and I got for Christmas an American Girl Doll.There very pretty!Thanks Santa Claus! I'm in 4th grade and my teacher is Mrs.Cordono.She is the best!My mom is pregnant and yet mad at the baby for not coming when she wants her to.Her name is going to be Penelope. My Aunt Monnet just had her 23 b-day yesterday!she looked AMAZING!


Piper said...
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Piper said...


Piper said...

Sorry!It's just nobody has looked at my blog for a while!

Piper said...

I was trying to say HELLO for a long time.

Kalani said...

Hey Piper! You are hilarious! I want all of you to come over but obviously you kinda have some better stuff to do! But remember if your mom ever kicks you guys out of the house then you girls can just come on over!!!

A Bee Line said...

Please continue blogging. You're great at it! I check your blog regularly. WISH I COULD SEE YOU :(

Piper said...

Yeah,my freind and cousin checked it!!!!!!!

Brigette-boo said...

I am so glad your mom finally had the baby! your American doll is cute I saw it the other day.

Kalani said...

Hey cuz!Since I check your blog .. I now want you to check mine. I write in it as often as possible. And some of the stuff I write is stuff I forget to tell you on Tuesdays! See you soon!

P.S My blog is

Marianne said...

Well Piper, I finally read your blog. I love it. Don't stop blogging I think you do a good job and I love you Grandma Annie

Olivia said...

hey piper! i kind of know how your mom feel. but in the end they baby does come and it's wonderful, isn't it?

i wish i could hold and kiss her. she looks like a sweet little thing.

Olivia said...

hey, i got internet last friday! i'm back and now i can see what you girls are up to! miss ya.

Kalani said...

Please! I want you to blog so bad! :)..... Please start blogging again. Today is Bella's bday party! That's something to blog about! And you have a new little sis. There are so many things to blog about. And I wish (since I see you less and less) that you would blog about as much as possible.I miss you, but will see you today! Love ya,

Piper said...

phoebe got a blog!